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Delegates for Ron Paul express their frustrations with the Republican National Convention at a 'We are the Future' rally where the Texas congressman closed his presidential campaign.
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Crowds gathered in front of the White House to celebrate bin Laden's death by singing, chanting, and reflecting on the historic moment.
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Washington, D.C. was overrun by zombies on Tuesday morning as part of a promotional stunt by AMC for its new TV show, "The Walking Dead," which premieres on Halloween night.
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Two members of the unofficial Redskins fan club called the 'Hogettes' hit the D.C. streets in anticipation of the upcoming game against the rival Dallas Cowboys.
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In their own words: Proponents of same sex marriage tell POLITICO why they're compelled to camp out for Supreme Court hearing on Tuesday.
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Editors of 'Presidential Campaign Posters' from the Library of Congress explain the evolution of the medium and how 'history repeats itself.'
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With the food-truck phenomenon sweeping D.C., customers of the Fojol Bros. and Red Pound Lobster Truck give their views on mobile lunch trucks.
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Dreams for Kids and the Washington Nationals host an adaptive baseball clinic for local youth with physical and developmental disabilities.